We'd like to get to know you a bit! What brings you here to Center DC Online? What are you looking for out of virtual community?
Thanks for joining us online! You're one step closer to connecting with community. After our team reviews your submission, we'll email you a PDF of the agreements + and links for your reference. The Zoom Link + password below will be used for all our events unless registration is required. If you misplace the info, you can always go back in the form and hit "re-submit" to regenerate this message here. THE ACCESS YOU NEED IS BELOW:
FOR EVENTS: Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/96372986850 /// Password: fasting *This is the link we will use for everything unless otherwise noted!
Please, folks. DO NOT. SHARE. THIS LINK --------- https://join.slack.com/t/center-dc/shared_invite/zt-evmo8lm8-9eKVT5J6gNNkOkaYyMOMkw *Note: Go ahead and click it now to fill it out - it is set to expire!
Questions? Email us at info@centerdc.community! See you on the web - With love, Team Center DC