Center DC Online User Agreements
The Center DC Online User Agreements (referred to in this document as “Online Adab,” or manners) apply to the access and use of Center DC’s online community Slack space and Zoom sessions. As a virtual community, these guidelines should inform community members of their responsibilities toward each other and help hold everyone accountable for the way we interact with each other. These agreements apply to everyone approved to use our online platforms — including members of the Center DC community, core team, and board. To gain access to our online platforms, you must fill out this form: Invitations will be sent via email and require members to “opt in.” by downloading the app and creating an account for each. By joining Center DC’s Slack space and Zoom events, you agree to abide by the following policies and the Center DC Community Agreements:
Center DC User Adab
To help maintain the etiquette and values Center DC upholds, all community members are held accountable to our 8 standard Community Agreements with your online presence. You are encouraged to share ideas and opinions as long as they align with the below policy:
Abide by the Center DC Community Agreements, which can be viewed in its entirety at
Be respectful of others. Please do not insult people or ideas you may not agree with, sell or market commercial or other services, or make public accusations.
Be authentic and represent yourself honestly with all members of the community. We value authenticity and openness at Center DC, so we ask that you do your best to embody that transparency and openness with other community members.
Treat everyone with compassion. When we disagree, we agree to critique ideas, not the person offering them.
Finally, we ask that you do your best to speak with “I-statements” and from your own understanding, rather than sharing what “Islam says…”. When quoting Islamic content, try to include the source when able so others can access the information on their own.
Slack Adab
Slack is intended to be a tool to foster connection and collaboration, providing community members with a platform to allow for discussion, feedback, and interactions. To help maintain the etiquette and values Center DC upholds, all community members are held accountable to the Center DC User Adab guidelines detailed above, as well as the following Slack Adab guidelines below:
Do not post or repost a message excessively, especially unsolicited advertisements, even if they are directly or indirectly related to the purpose of the topic. Resource advertisements should be directed to the appropriate channel (i.e. #random_resources). The #announcement channel is only for Center DC related or approved messaging.
Do not add or post any copyrighted material to Slack without written permission of the copyright owner.
Although you are allowed to share personal anecdotes, be mindful of your own privacy and boundaries. Carefully consider the audience before posting material that contains your Personal Identifiable Information (like your social security number, birth date, address, etc.). DO NOT post the Personal Identifiable Information of others.
Follow the channel structure and post in the appropriate place (when in doubt, ask!). You can reference the channel structure in the appendix below.
Zoom Adab
Zoom is the virtual event space we currently use. To help maintain the etiquette and values Center DC upholds, all community members are held accountable to the Center DC User Adab guidelines detailed above, as well as the following Zoom Adab guidelines below:
For security reasons, please DO NOT share the Zoom links with others. If you know someone else who wants to join us, direct folks to the sign up form ( - this is how we’re keeping track of who joins us online & how we're holding community members accountable to our agreements.
Be Present! Our programs — both online and in person — are designed for engagement. Our hope is that you avoid logging on and tuning out: Our Zoom events are not meant for passive observers. When possible, we want to hear you, see you, and/or get your real-time feedback in the Zoom chat so we know you are a real human being and not a Zoom Bomber. Inactive or non-responsive users may be removed by the host to maintain the safety of the space for all participants.
Full engagement is done most easily if you join via computer, rather than via phone or tablet. We often use an interactive powerpoint that can only be interacted with by those with computer access.
It’s okay to pass. Although your participation is what makes our space special, you aren’t required to respond to each and every invitation to share. Take care of yourself and feel free to say “pass” at any point, even when the invitation to share comes your way.
Moderation Policy
Community members are subject to have their accounts frozen, suspended, or removed for behavior that goes against our community values. Such behavior that warrants moderator intervention includes — but is not limited to — the following:
Improper usage of channels
Spreading misinformation
Interpersonal conflict with another community member, either on the Slack platform or otherwise
The following behaviors will result in an immediate intervention and freeze on membership, pending a conversation and possible community accountability process with our Safe(r) Space team.
Aggression of any kind. This includes hate speech, such as:
Anti-blackness/racist comments
Anti-religious comments (i.e. anti-Shia comments, antisemitism, etc.)
Sexist comments
Posting or transmitting any slanderous, defamatory, obscene, indecent, pornographic, profane, violent, abusive, insulting, threatening, offensive or harassing comments, and/or content/information of any kind.
Our goal is to make Center DC a community that does not shy away from difficult conversations, is as transparent as the situation allows, and holds community members and leadership accountable when harm occurs. If an interaction with another member makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe at any point in time, or if you experience any of the above behavior, please reach out to us at You can view our process for dealing with grievances at
Slack Channel Structure
Below is a guideline for what type of content to post in which Slack channel. Center DC Slack channels are subject to change in the future.
• Center DC Event Promotion only
• Center DC Zoom Event Links
• Any organizational announcements including building details
• General questions regarding unfamiliar words or phrases in Arabic
• General questions about unfamiliar Islamic terms and/or practices
• Collection/glossary of terms for everyone to reference
• Community conversation
• Center DC surveys and polls
• Sharing resources that can be helpful to the community
• Local and online promotion to external communities and events
• Dua requests
• Islamic reminders
• Spiritual check-ins
• Quran/Hadith/Islamic resource sharing
• Community well being check-in
• Engaging in specific community questions
• Getting to know each other
• A private channel for convert-specific support
• To request an add, DM an administrator!