We're SO excited to be together again, but recognize that we are still in a pandemic.
That means there's still inherent risk in meeting in person. It will take all of us working together to keep this community safe. While COVID is still a reality, we ask that everyone gathering together agrees to our "Pandemic Terms" below as an act of community care. If the transmission rate rises, or if hospital or public safety measures worsen, we may pause in-person gatherings. In the event that someone attends a Center DC event and then tests positive for COVID, we will notify all attendees that may have been a close contact.
Here’s what you’re agreeing to by signing up to attend an in-person Center DC gathering (updated 10.5.22):
1. Think of Others
Before you attend, think about all of the ways you are caring for others in attendance. There may be someone present who is immunocompromised or unable to get vaccinated. It's on us to keep each other safe, and to stay home if we are unwell.
If you’ve traveled recently, are feeling sick, or have been in contact with someone who may have been exposed to COVID-19, please stay home. Staying home is an act of community care.
2. Sign Up
To help us get an accurate headcount and to cover our bases in the event that we must contact trace, we ask that you help us out by RSVPing for in-person gatherings. In the event that you decide to drop in, please be extra intentional about checking in with the facilitator / welcome team.
3. Check-In
Center DC is responsible for tracking attendance, in the event that contact tracing is required. Everyone needs to check-in when they arrive with our amazingly friendly welcoming team! If for some reason you're not feeling well or are experiencing symptoms, we will ask you to stay home and take care of yourself!
4. Mask Up
Simply put, masks help keep people safe. We’re committed to making mask available at check-in for those who need one. Although we will no longer be asking to see proof of vaccination at gatherings, we still encourage folks to wear masks as an extra safety precaution.
5. Give Space
Indoors, we will be capping attendance to allow for social distancing and spacing chairs and breakout groups accordingly.
We know everyone will be so excited to see one another, but we ask that you make sure to ask for consent before hugs or other greetings that involve touch to be mindful of folks’ preferences.
6. BYO Blanket
Most of our outdoor gatherings will involve sitting in the grass or on the ground. When it's time to pray, we'll be spacing out and lining up to pray together outdoors. Please bring what you need to feel comfortable praying and sitting outside!
Indoors, we encourage you to bring a travel prayer mat of your own.
May Allah keep our community safe and bless us with each other's presence again! We're excited and ready to welcome you back to Center DC.
Still have questions about Center DC’s re-opening plan? Email our board.