New to the city? New to Islam? You’re looking for resources, we’re trying to connect you to em.’ Take a look at the resources below.
Note: While we’re happy to help share resources, the act of including an org or resource on this here list does not mean we co-sign everything they do or say, or that Center DC is partnership with them. It’s just a starting point for your research inshaAllah.
Masjids / community centers in the DMV
*links coming soon, inshaAllah*
Masjid Muhammad
First Hijrah
Ivy City
Washington Islamic Center
18th St. + Monroe
IMAAM Center
Diyanet Center
Avondale Masjid
Dar us Salaam / Al Huda
Masjid Ibn Taymiyah
Dar al Hijrah
Make Space
ADAMS Center
Mustafa Center
IQRA Center
Medina Masjid
Local orgs
Yaro Collective
Soulful Muslims
Latina Muslimah Circle
M.O.M. Network
Bury Me Muslim
Global Deaf Muslim
(more coming soon!)
Crisis Textline: A crisis line for 24/7 mental health support A mental health textline + phone service connecting folks with Muslim peer support counselors
Open Path Collective: a non-profit that offers discounted therapy in all 50 states
Muslim Wellness Foundation: Muslim Wellness Foundation (MWF) is a (501c3) nonprofit organization established in 2011 to reduce stigma associated with mental illness, addiction and trauma in the American Muslim community through dialogue, education and training.
Institute for Muslim Mental Health: An organization promoting Muslim Americans' mental health through research, resource development, training & advocacy
Khalil Center: A psychological and spiritual community wellness center advancing the professional practice of psychology rooted in Islamic theology
SEEMA Mental Health: An org that offers virtual support groups to both individuals living with a mental health condition, as well as their families and loved ones. They also do advocacy and have a resource for finding Muslim therapists.
American Muslim Mental Health Professionals: A network of Muslim mental health professionals
Follow: @growthwork, @sexualhealthformuslims , @sproutingwellness, @amaly.mindset
SWISS: An online institute for Islamic studies with Sh. Suhaib Webb
Seeker’s Guidance: An online institute with traditional Islamic studies courses, including Arabic, for free!
Celebrate Mercy: For programing with well-known scholars focused on the life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Yaqeen Institute: An online resource with research, scholarly articles on difficult topics, and short videos on Islam A free app + online class model for Arabic learners For online access to Quran, in various English translations and word-by-word translation
Coming Soon, iA!
Coming soon, iA!